Indian Orchards Farm (near Media, PA, 19063) Pick Your Own Fruit
Hours: OPEN 10 AM – 6 PM Daily
Where: Click to find us on Google Maps: 27-29 Copes Lane, Media, PA 19063. Come straight down the lane to our farm stand (ignore the lane to the right on your GPS; that goes to the family home). We are located off Route 352/Middletown Road, south of Baltimore Pike, just north of Knowlton Road – or if coming from I-95, get off at the Route 320/352 exit and follow Route 352 north, go through the light at Knowlton Road, shortly thereafter, look for our signs on the left, before you cross the bridge).
Phone: 610-888-6969 or (610) 564-0794 for questions
Year-round hours 10 am to 6 pm daily including holidays
- When: Main Spring/Summer Pick Your Own Produce (fruits & vegetables start around mid-June).
- Main Fall/Winter and Pick Your Own Apples usually begins in September and runs through late October/early Nov – depending on Mother nature).
- Year-round – stop by our farm stand, grab some of our own honey and firewood for your firepit, party or to keep you home warm this winter
Visit our 110 plus year old orchard in located near Media, PA, in the Delaware county suburbs of Philadelphia, PA.
Fees: No fee EVER charged to simply shop at our on-site farm stand.
Weekday* Admission Fee $3.50 Per-Person during Pick-Your-Own (PYO) Season mid-June through Oct/Nov.
Sept/Oct: Apple Season Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holidays PYO Admission is $11.99 includes Hayride!
(PYO Fee may be waived in Late Nov/early Dec.)
*Our per person PYO admission charge for pick your own fruit and veggies helps to support our work to bring sustainably-grown, pesticide-free produce to your table and keep the 108 plus-year-old historic farm going. For farm stand and PYO payments we accept major credit cards or Venmo.
*We have a PAY FOR WHAT YOU PICK POLICY (per lb/pint) – Please be careful – weight can be deceiving. Also, we can’t put the fruit back on trees or bushes!
Stop by our on-site Orchard Farm Stand to select fresh produce we’ve picked for you… or spend some time outdoors & Pick Your Own Fruits and Vegetables (click link for more info and fees) are now open for the summer season! Apple and Cider, plus Pumpkins are here! (Please follow CDC/State Rules for wearing masks and abide by social distancing guidelines). Pick up our own honey and other local jams, drinks and goodies at our farm stand, hayrides in September/October. Plus sustainably-harvested Firewood for sale, and Christmas trees for you too! Plus our Farm Share / CSA – to get fruit and veggies picked and set aside for pick up for you weekly and support the farm this Spring.
Come on out to Indian Orchards Farm near Media, PA and get your Sustainably-grown and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables – whether you want to Pick Your Own produce once they are in season blueberries, raspberries and early vegetables, or peaches, blackberries and more in mid-summer, or in the fall… Apples. Or anytime – buy what we’ve picked at our on-site orchard farm stand. During winter we have Firewood for sale and our own honey and otehr goodies.
(For those who help us in winter and early spring by buying a CSA – fruit / farm share – and pay in advance – Thanks! During summer and fall you can come pick up your weekly bag of goodies we’ve picked/put together for you (every other week for half shares).